Welcome to Growing Healthy Families
There is growing concern about the obesity epidemic in children today. Over one-third of American children are overweight or obese, and that number is only growing! In 2007, KERA developed a curriculum for parent and caregiver workshops, Little Bites, Big Steps, in an effort to address this concern with young children. The National Recreation Foundation has provided funding to KERA to create Growing Healthy Families, a series of workshops for parents that are focused on the family.

Parents and caregivers who want to be positive nutrition and physical activity role models for their families will enjoy the interactive lessons and at-home family activities in our online program. It’s free and there’s no software to download!

Share the benefits of nutrition and physical activity with parents and caregivers using our eight-week workshop curriculum. The materials provided include course handouts, group activities, facilitator notes and a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation.