

Creating Family Mealtimes

Some of our happiest memories are from times when we shared a special meal around the table with our family. Think about a favorite meal that you shared with family or friends. What did people do and how did they act? What did you all talk about? Why is this a favorite besides the food?

There are many benefits to family meals. Children who participate in family meals three or more times per week:

  • Develop self-help skills, independence, and confidence.
  • Do better in school.
  • Learn social skills such as talking to others and sharing.
  • Are less affected by negative peer influence.
  • Learn manners by watching and listening to family members.
  • Are less likely to become involved in drugs and alcohol.
  • Are closer to their families.
  • Eat healthier and less likely to be obese.
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Basic Guidelines for Effective Family Meals

  • Have family meals at least three times a week, four to seven if possible.
  • Any meal or a regular snack time can be family time.
  • No TV or phone!
  • Recognize that sometimes one or more family member will be missing, but even two family members can have a family meal together.
  • Avoid negative conversations and topics that create arguments.
  • Discipline away from the table.
  • Make the meal special by setting the table, lighting candles, or using a theme.
  • Start a fun conversation.

Mealtime Conversation Starters

Begin your family meals by having everyone share something good, funny, or interesting that happened today or that they learned:

  • What is your favorite thing we do as a family?
  • If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite vegetable?
  • Where do you like to go when we take a walk?
  • Tell the children a story from your childhood about something you did wrong, and ask them what they would have done. Ask the children why it was wrong and what else you could have done.
  • Which of these stories is true?

Mealtime Games

  • Guess the person: Describe a person in the family and have someone guess who they are.
  • Have a family member close his or her eyes and ask him or her color of your shirt? The color of the carpet?
  • “I Spy Something ________” (color, shape)

Remember: M.E.A.L.

Make sure you all sit down together.

Every electronic device (TV, radio, phone) is off and put away.

Allow everyone a chance to talk and don’t criticize.

Let this be a fun time to share and laugh!


Festive Family Meal

  1. Print the Special Family Meal activity instructions.
  2. Develop your meal plan.
  3. Purchase the supplies and make the flowers.
  4. Set the table.
  5. Enjoy your Special Meal!


Download Activity PDF


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