

How nutritious are common snacks?

We all have favorite snack items. Sometimes snacks that may seem healthy aren’t and vice versa. We also often forget to check labels and don’t realize how the amount of calories, fat, sodium or vitamins that is in our snack foods.

Look at the nutrition label on some of your favorite snack items. Did you see unrecognizable ingredients or a lot of high fructose corn syrup or other types of additives? They are not as healthy and have been associated with obesity and weight gain. Sometimes you will find that foods are very similar in calories or high in fat. You may find them similar in fat and other ingredients but high in calories.

Remember, calories are important because too many result in weight gain. But fat can help keep you full, and so you may eat less. If you will be eating a higher calorie meal later, fewer calories and fat are important. If you are eating much later, something with more fat will be more filling. If you are going to be exercising, a higher calorie snack may be needed.


Snack Food Label Game

  1. Print the snack food label game.
  2. Cut out nutrition labels and the food names.
  3. Place the nutrition labels on a table and place the food name on top of the nutrition label you think it goes with.
  4. Compare your matches to the answer sheet.


Snack Food Label Game  Answers


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